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Start Your Engines

Start Your Engines

Friday, November 04, 2005

Currently, money is the root of all evil in my life. Having a good paying, fun job deluded me for a while. Now I am back in the land of "jobs suck and don't pay." It is like pulling teeth to get a bar job in this town. I have two more to hit up today. I already put in my ap, and I found out when the managers are in so I can drop by. This is the only place where having a rack is not getting me a job. I am too tall, too heavy and too brunette (read: too intelligent). Its unfortunate. I think I'm a pretty good waitress...and they wouldn't have to train me much.

I did get a job at Olive Garden. Training is on Tuesday. The only bad thing is I have to be available any and all of the weekend. Monday I have my second interview with David's Bridal. The women I met were all very sweet and it pays the best of all the jobs I've interviewed for ($7.50 an hour or commission, whichever is joke. That's how bad it is here.) However, if I get the job, I would want to work weekends for sales/commission purposes. Hopefully, I walk in, I charm the second manager, I get the job and I tell Olive Garden to get bent, and continue the quest for an evening waitressing position.

In the mean time, I continue to bug the guy at the university and he continues to put me off. I need that job. I want that job. I think I might start hanging out in his office. Think if I sit there day in and day out he will just hand me over a job out of sheer frustration and annoyance? Think I can give him a twitch? I think I can :) I need to get a job so I can take the GRE and apply for grad. school in the event I do get a job through the university.

Enough about jobs. It has been beautiful here- near 80 with all the leaves turning. I've gone on a few motorcycle rides, Elliot, Shannon and I went for a hike at Rockbridge State Park. Its a really neat place. There are several caves and this place called the Devil's Ice Box which is the mouth of a huge cave that goes on for miles. You have to have splunking equipment to get far at all. Some parts are 30 feet tall and others you have to crawl through. They do canoe tours in the spring. Money pending, Shannon and I might get in on that action.

Other benefits of being back in this weird town are spending mucho time with my redheaded friend, getting coffee at the Artisan, food at any time of the day (even Sundays) and the academia in the air. I was on the quad the other day and I swear I could smell brainwaves. It was kind of electric.

Anyway, post and let me know how things are going at home. I hope everyone carved punkins last week. I helped create Aqua Teen Hunger Force via gourds. My meatwad was awesome.