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Start Your Engines: I was had.

Start Your Engines

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I was had.

There has been a running joke that Shoo is my new best friend. We spend mucho amounts of time together, talk about significant (or rather, no longer significant) others and generally goof off.

Ed seems to be slightly disgruntled. He has challenged me to a battle for best friend Shoo. Basically, it involves getting a few beers into Shoo and both of us baraging him with the question, "I'm your best friend, right? RIGHT?!"

Last night, to prove my loyalty to MY best friend, I gave Shoo's scruffy cheek a kiss. Someone decided Kyle needed a peck, so I gave him one, too. Ed pouted from across the bar.
Finally, he stuck his cheek out, I'd had one too many Jack and Diets and reached to plant one on him. However, toolshed that he is, he turned and I kissed him square on the mouth.

Needless to say, I'm pissed. I'm vindictice and I will get him back....and it won't be kisses. Anyone have any good ideas? I think something at his going away party on Friday would be fabulous. Melissa, I know you have a mean streak in you. Help me out here.

If Ed has double crossed anyone else, let me know. We'll tag team.

Ed, I hope you are shakin' in your little boots.