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Start Your Engines: Satan is my motor

Start Your Engines

Friday, November 11, 2005

Satan is my motor

Here's the update: Tonight is my third night of training at Olive Garden, the OG as it is being called around here. By Monday I'll be a big girl and wait tables all by myself.

So far I quit smoking, drinking diet soda and imbibing large quantities of alcohol. Read: life is significantly less fun. Apparently, everything I enjoy is a death sentence.

Shannon and I are making big plans for when we have money. They involve smoking, drinking diet soda and imbibing large quantities of alcohol.

Other than that, I've been bonding with Spork the Cat. I won't be home for Thanksgiving for money issues. I will probably work the entire week of Thanksgiving. The actual day of, I am going to Fulton with the redhead to have dinner with her family. It has been awhile since I've seen her folks and been out to their beautiful house, so I am looking forward to it.

How is everyone out there doing in BlogLand? Sounds like the folks at home are having fun without me. You know, there was some wishful thinking that without me, your lives would suck. I will allow you to have fun without me.....I guess.