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Start Your Engines: Snow on the Tires

Start Your Engines

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Snow on the Tires

Have you ever had to pee so bad it almost makes you cry? Last night, I was driving home and experienced this phenomenon. I almost side swiped a mailbox on my coldisack because it was raining and I was trying to get home as fast as possible. Then, I finally got the car in the garage, stumbled into the kitchen and tripped over the dog who is always in the way when you are trying to get somewhere in a hurry. It was bad news all around. This is why I run to the bathroom every two beers. I hate the incapacitation of having to use the faciliti.

Shoo, are we going to dinner tonight?

Who hates snow? (raising hand high) I woke up to all that rain turning into all that snow. The weather person was wrong again, go figure. I threw the sand bags back in my trunk before I left the house, and I still went sliding everywhere. I almost rearended a guy at a stop light because my brakes locked up......grrr. Damn weather. And it was sooooo beautiful yesterday. :(

Ok, my bitchfest is over.

Last night was a busy night at work. I guess I made good money for only working 8-1. Kyle and Ed came into see me. Then Ed and I went for a drink at Stella where we met up with Folker and Buck. Two drinks and we were homeward bound.

Hopefully, it will stop snowing so I don't have to dig myself out of the parking lot. I was really excited to go out tonight because I have worked the past three nights. Stop snowing, Dammit! I want to go to Brown's for Ed's last night and Mandi's first and I want to go next door to listen to Posamist! STOP SNOWING!

I don't know how many of you have heard me talk about or read the link on my blog about the MU researcher that was murdered in the parking garage. It occurred to me yesterday that they found him in his flaming car, shoved in the trunk in the garage that was one block from the dorms I lived in for three years. I walked by there every day for three years to get to class. Its unnerving, because they have no idea who did it and he is roaming around that town, possibly brushing shoulders with former boyfriend/ friends, professors, etc. I don't just gives me the heebee jeebees.

Alright. If you want to brave the weather with me tonight for a drink, give me a call.