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Start Your Engines: I fought the law

Start Your Engines

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I fought the law

Its a weird turn of events. My sister went away to college this week and I'm jealous. From what I have gathered, she has spent her life with a chip on her shoulder, related to me. We've pulled a switcheroo.

I feel that she has no idea what she has lying in the palm of her hand. Oh to be a freshmen in a new place again. At the time, going away to a school where I knew no one, going out of state and leaving everything familiar was the ballsiest thing I had ever done- I was scared shitless. Now I realize it is the best thing I ever did. I hope she enjoys it to the fullest.

Work tonight. Come in and see me.

Thanks to those from across the Mississip for my brick. Goodbye Donnelly Hall. You will be missed.