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Start Your Engines: His rival it seems had broken his dreams by steeling the girl of his fancy

Start Your Engines

Sunday, February 12, 2006

His rival it seems had broken his dreams by steeling the girl of his fancy

Hey, I am really bad at this blogging...thing. I swear, I check everyone else's on a regular basis.

What's new:

Shannon started working at the OG with me. Its fun that we have some work friends in common. She took Indi and me to her parents a few days ago. While there, we ate home-grown roast beef, frolicked with the future roast beef and petted the kitties.

Friday night I was in a fashion show. A wife of a friend of a friend is starting a new business and had a "coming out" of sorts at Shattered to get her name out there. Ladies, I will link it as soon as her webpage is up and going. Contrary to popular belief, these are not comfortable. However, they do make your legs look long(er) and they do make your ass hurt after three hours of dancing (not THAT kind) and strutting your stuff.

Spork the cat went missing about a week ago. We have been to the humane society and Adam posted photos in the neighborhood. I hope he just found a better gig.

Phoenix the cat has taken to licking the bathtub facet and ducking under running water during/after my showers. I can't figure out if this is a nod to my exemplery hiegene or she is really a mermaid. If anything, she is definitely weird.

Work has been busy and boring.

My sisters turned 19 and 17 on January 31 and February 6 respectively. It means I'll be older soon, too. Every year I realize I am collapsing more and more into my "adult" years and I dig my fingernails in, grit my teeth and scream it off as best as possible. Unfortunately, I still turn a year older. *sigh*

AM is putting her house on the market and might still be looking for a temporary home for Puptizle Sassy. If anyone would like a fuzzball in their home for a month or so, give me a call.

Hope all is well in blog land. Keep posting so I can keep up on the gossip.