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Start Your Engines: Sweet like a kiss, sharp like a razorblade

Start Your Engines

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sweet like a kiss, sharp like a razorblade

Say your prayers. I have an interview tomorrow for an internship. This would get my foot in the door to network and freshen up my resume.

It looks like I am saying goodbye to my beloved car, wimpy though it is. The rack is leaking, the rear main seal is leaking worse, and the rearend is going. :( When I come home next, it will be in a different vehicle...or on the motorcycle. We'll see.

I bought a dress pattern for AM's wedding. While sifting through the patterns, I decided I am going to try to make the majority of my clothes. The patterns keep getting cuter and they do a very good job of keeping up with current fashion.
No longer are homemade clothes supposed to make you feel frumpy and prudish. My clothes won't necessarily be less expensive, but they will be exactly what I want.