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Start Your Engines: October 2005

Start Your Engines

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Had an interview at David's Bridal on Friday. I think it went well. They are supposed to call me for interview #2.

Guy at the university STILL hasn't posted the ag jobs. He emailed me and said he was going to do it last week, but he got too busy. BaH.

Need to get a job so I can get an apartment. Anyone in Springfield need a place to live for two months? Landlords aren't letting me out of my lease. Bastards.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Money, that's what I want

I was home last weekend...cleaned the apartment thoroughly. Its cleaner than when I moved in. Still haven't been able to get ahold of the landlords.

All my shit is finally in MO. I am looking for a job. I've applied for 10. I have a job interview on Friday at David's Bridal. Wouldn't that be ironic with all the problems I have helped deal with for Meg's wedding.

Other than that, I think a viewing of Rocky Horror with the rugby ladies is in order this weekend...ooooh, and some pumpkin carving. And then pie. Ah yes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Long and winding road will lead me to your door.

New start- The majority of my shit is now in Columbia...and I am sore from carrying it all. I'll be here until Friday. Then, I am coming home to clean up, talk to the landlords, and throw Meg's bridal shower.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Movin on up

Last night working at the DH. Come see me. Tip me. Wish me luck.

Tomorrow we are meeting at said bar for a going away party (I think I just organized my own). No, there will not be three. Only one. Don't miss it.

Move out in less than 10 days and counting....