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Start Your Engines: Your cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch and one on the track

Start Your Engines

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Your cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch and one on the track

This week I've really missed Missouri.

I hate the traffic here. Last night stop lights were out at two major intersections. I'm not talking flashing- I mean OUT. Its already a clusterfuck and everyone wants to get home. I really I get this job where I can work at home. Even a job downtown so I can ride the train. I just don't want to drive anymore.

I miss the familiarity. I didn't realize how comforting it is know where shit is and know the people once you get there. It was nice to call someone and say, "Meet me at Eastside in 10 minutes for a drink."

...and I miss my people.

On the flipside, living here is cool. There's so much to do and learn and see. Maybe I'm too apathetic and I want it all right away without paying the dues. I just don't like this loner lifestyle. I'm not a loner at heart.

I am excited for this evening. Melanie is having a dinner party at her house in Wrigleyville, so I shall venture south. It'll be nice to see some friendly faces and meet new people.

Also, I got a new phone yesterday. Its pink and pretty and I maybe fondling it too much. The most important thing- It WORKS! So call me now and we shall talk for hours.

I've decided. Neil Young makes me really happy. I think I am a fifty-year-old trapped in this body.