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Start Your Engines: May 2006

Start Your Engines

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Two things...

Some people couldn't view the link...a Mossberg 500 is a shotgun. There's a good song about these...


Mom's birthday was the 16th! Happy Birthday, Mommy! I think I have an embarassing (or flattering) photo somewhere. We'll see what I can come up with.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I remember running through the wet grass, fallling a step behind/both of us never tiring

Man, I am getting bad about not updating.

Jake took a job in Knoxville, Tenn. Congrats to him- he leaves in a week or so to apartment hunt.

Congrats to my lil sis, Rachel, on her ACT score of 34! Nock 'em dead on your tour of MIT this summer!

Shannon is going to Barcelona instead of chiropractic school in a month. She will teach English and run amuck in Spain. This leaves me with a housing delimna- I love my little place, but can't afford it on my own, and I don't have anyone to live with
me. It looks as though I will move AGAIN. I think I shall try to pair down my expenses, maybe move somewhere within biking distance of work, etc. We'll see. I'll keep you updated on address changes.

We went to Bruce's a couple of nights ago. Bruce is my folks age, single, a mechanic. He lives with his best friend, Hippie- the same age, a retired mechanic and Vietnam vet. They are an interesting pair. Hippie is on dialysis, is affected by Agent Orange, has arthritis and says he has died eight times. However, he had a heart transplant 14 years ago and, therefore, says he has nine additional lives.

While Bruce, Adam and Liam worked on some project, Hippie and I watched Gone with the Wind on the projection tv, ate junk food and he self-medicated his "arthritis" hourly.

He told me about his last stint in the hospital and how sometimes he gets down about his ailments. Except once he watched a show about siamese twins that played baseball and argued with each other and went to school and tried to be normal. Now when he feels bad about his situation, he says, "I can do it if they can do it."

....It mad me think.

I had forgotten what Columbia is like in the summer. Graduation was last weekend, and the town has emptied, including my restaurant. I might have some other irons in the fire.

Liam is now bouncing at Soco a couple weekend nights. A friend and I visited for "The Show" last night. What fun. I get a 25% discount on my tab and they have....drumroll...jello shot! We have an extrodinary time. Its been years since I was last there.

Hope all is well in the Patch. Miss you all.

Sorry for spelling/grammar errors. I am too tired and lazy to check and/or correct.