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Start Your Engines: June 2006

Start Your Engines

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all.

I think I know why I love this cat so much...He's cuddling in my lap and looking at me with love and adoration. He doesn't care that I am falling asleep and completely bitchy today. All he cares about is that I continue petting and have an body temp close to 100 degrees.

Three days until vacation. Hot damn.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Forgot one thing...

Can you motorcycle :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lock it up now

I keep meaning to blog and then I'm tired when I get home from work. I have a few minutes between shifts; savor it.

Shannon and I moved out of our cutie patootie house, and I moved into a tiny apartment. I have the upstairs of a little bungalo downtown. My rent is cheap and my utilities should be minimal. I might be able to afford cable for the first time since I lived in the dorms.

Searching for the apartment was a bitch. Most things in my price range were crapholes, and I cannot bring myself to live in a complex. They don't have character. What I've traded for parallel monotony, I've gained in slanted eave space and steep, narrow stairs over two gay men who water my plants.

I gave two cheap pieces of furniture to Goodwill because they wouldn't go up the stairs. We lost my futon matress, not once, but twice off the trailer. The first time it left my underwear drawer flapping in the wind. We didn't notice until we reached the destination. My panties were caught in the box springs of my bed and one of my sports bras was abandoned in the middle of a busy thorofare.

Tricia and I went to drag night at Soco Thursday. The bar was busy and I got my drink discount. I've made an observation: men like breasts, gay or straight. The only difference is gay men have no qualms with outright fondling while straight men pretend to "accidentally" run into them.

We leave for vacation early Friday from St. Louis. I have not had a vacation since February of last year. I cannot wait to not be at work.

I had a phone interview on Wednesday with Residential Life at Mizzou. I might be a res hall coordinator. We'll see.

Apparently, we have a stalker at work. He has said some aggressive things to one waitress and one hostess. I am internet researching for a picture. Again, glad I bought the shotgun.

I am currently watching the cat "stalk" Adam's pet snake. Its funny to watch a little fuzz hunt something that is contained. His ears are splayed out as if to remain inconspicous, and he raises his paw to bat every now-and-then, but decides not to swat. Frankly, I hate snakes. They give me the heebee jeebees.

That's all I got. Hope everybody has a good weekend.