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Start Your Engines: August 2005

Start Your Engines

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Should I stay or should I go.

Life is boring. Might go to the Springfield Mile this weekend, though, and see some momo's.

Bought my dress for Meg's AND affordable.

Throwing eggs at Andy Lee at 5:30 for the premier of his tv show that will air later in September. Should be fun. I hope I don't throw like a girl.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

You have always been my inspiration/ be good to me

Apparently, I was recommended for a great job. The position is going to open soon. Fingies crossed.

Dinner tonight with Meg and Brian.

I need a momo.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The garbage truck beeps as it backs up/ and I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away

Night off from work...maybe going to a movie. We'll see. I am really craving some Phat Thai. Anyone interested? I want some food that will make me cry.

Feeling stagnant. Need a change. Maybe do something creative (read: Inadvertently, I will probably do something to get myself in trouble with someone).


Saturday, August 20, 2005

I fought the law

Its a weird turn of events. My sister went away to college this week and I'm jealous. From what I have gathered, she has spent her life with a chip on her shoulder, related to me. We've pulled a switcheroo.

I feel that she has no idea what she has lying in the palm of her hand. Oh to be a freshmen in a new place again. At the time, going away to a school where I knew no one, going out of state and leaving everything familiar was the ballsiest thing I had ever done- I was scared shitless. Now I realize it is the best thing I ever did. I hope she enjoys it to the fullest.

Work tonight. Come in and see me.

Thanks to those from across the Mississip for my brick. Goodbye Donnelly Hall. You will be missed.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

working 9 to 5 (not really); what a way to make a living

Working the next two night. Come in and see me.

I'm jealous...I really want to go to the fair tonight and eat and drink and see Posamist in the Bud tent. Alas....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ug....sick. Spent the evening at mom's doing laundry and being babied by my baby sister. She made me brownies...from scratch. Excellent.

So the laundry is done. Went to the bank and the post office. And its time to haul my shit home and go to bed.

Lunch with grandma tomorrow. Shooting guns at mom with Brian tomorrow afternoon.

Yehaw. Cough. Owie throat.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Hip Hip...

HURRAY for Kyle and his 32-pound weightloss! Kyle, you'll have to give me some tips. I have an extra 20 hanging around.

Congrats to Meg on her new job and possible new car!

This yucky weather...I want it cool like last week. It baffles me when 80 is "cool". Nonetheless, I was wearing a hoodie last week. Bring it back!

Got a month free at Racket and Fitness. Does anyone have a membership there so I have someone to go with? I need the comradery, or I won't go.

Off to work. Come visit. It'll probably be boring and slow. Bah.