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Start Your Engines: Leave me where I am/ I'm only sleeping

Start Your Engines

Friday, November 18, 2005

Leave me where I am/ I'm only sleeping

Don't you hate feeling a certain way without entitlement?

Hung out with Shannon last night for a bit. I love our "coffee talk". I popped into the Blue Fugue (aka. Music Cafe) because the Station was playing. It was funny, because they all said hi matter-of-factly and then realized I was in the wrong state. It was good to see some familiar faces.

Thanks for the words of advice pertaining to my current mucas abundance. You're dolls. I am on Walmart brand benedryl. I think my tables at lunch thought I was drunk. Let's just say, I shouldn't be operating heavy machinery. Damn. My crane will have stay parked in the drive.

Missing home a lot. I am just now realizing that I left a really fun life for a really not so fun one. Its all for the best. Its all for the best. I am so very sad I will miss busy week at the bar.

Interviewed at First National today. It seemed to go ok except for my sniffles. I politely told the lovely ladies who questioned me that shaking hands might lead to the shake of death. They found it humerous. I should hear back from them a week from Monday or so.

I'm working a spit shift today :P I have to go back at 5:00. They only kept me for an hour and a half at lunch. I am making good money hourly, but I am not putting in enough hours.

Irrelevent question: Where has the past nine months gone? It kind of feels like I drifted off into a gentle sleep and was jerked awake by cold, bony hands.

Spork is sitting in my lap trying to rub his face on mine.

Points if you can name the artist and album of the song in my title. No lyric searches for you!