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Start Your Engines: An ominous landscape of neverending calamity

Start Your Engines

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

An ominous landscape of neverending calamity

I had a great weekend in Illinois. I saw a bunch of familiar faces and family from out of state.

Friday I helped Molly with some wedding preparation. I vacuumed her house, which I STILL have down to a science. When I lived there, it was on the market and I think I vacuumed close to once a day.

Saturday we met at the KC hall at 9:00 to decorate. Needless to say, I was tired from AT's and my night out. Sarah brought Mel-o-cream which I miss so much. The afternoon was spent hang out at Cozy Dog, napping and getting ready.

The wedding was casual and went off without a hitch. Well, there was a "hitching", but only the good kind. My uncle drank his Stag while riding the pony. My great aunt who's 86 and just had a stroke danced until 11. After, most of the cousins met at mom's and drank some vodka. It was the best Spengler party in a long time.

The bad news was the amount of money I forked over for gas.

Patty gave me an awesome road bike. It needs brake pads, and then I'm going to ride it. I took the Suburban out for its first ride tonight. Liam did an awesome job setting it up for me. She's a champ.

We ran a bunch of errands today including the bike shop twice, Powder Horn gun shop, army surplus and Bass Pro. God, we are rednecks extrodinaire. The good news is Elliott and Liam put Mom's old Le Tour together, turning it fixed gear. It looks really nice.

The momocycle had some issues, but I got a few kinks ironed out. The hand brake light switch was out, so I jacked one off the parts bike and replaced it. Both headlights were burned out so those are now replaced with some wiring fenagling. Now all that needs to be done is swap the rear tire and figure out why she's leaking oil.

Mom gave me Jerry's medium format camera. It lit a fire under my ass: I've been really apathetic about photography, and I really miss it. Today I bought batteries for the medium format Pentax and a new battery for the Mamiya. I picked up some Fuji and removed corrosion from battery contacts. I priced really expensive bags and MF developing.

At very least, I need to take some photos of the boys' garage. Its a little ridiculous.

Tater, its been a good day.