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Start Your Engines: For awhile, maybe longer if I do

Start Your Engines

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

For awhile, maybe longer if I do

Interview in KC went well. I turned in a writing assignment to them on Monday. Hopefully, it met their expectations. If I get this job, I will have executed the greatest scam of my life. I am wholly unqualified. However, I think they liked me. The IL job is still up in the air.

I will be spending Gobble Feast in Springfield, MO. I only have two days off, and its not enough time to make the rounds at home. Sorry for my absents. Stuffing will proceed as usual.

Sara and I volunteered for a youth horse show at the county fairgrounds. It was cold, but fun. It involved a mistake in starting time, so we had breakfast at Lucas in backbone at 7:15am. Its the first time I've seen the sun come up in months. I rather enjoyed it. It involved a free t-shirt and we bought matching "I love Palominos" bracelets. The Quarter horse people didn't have any. I was then timidly asked later that evening, "What's a Palamino?" This resulted in further discussion if Palamino is a breed or coloring. I think it depends on who you ask.

Officially, I am now called Sugarbeet.

...and which one of you wierdos is checking this blog at 6:00 a.m.? Midnight, 2:00 a.m. I can understand. Get a life :)