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Start Your Engines: December 2006

Start Your Engines

Monday, December 18, 2006

In the end

I woke up this morning all warm and cuddled and remembered on this day last year I got engaged.

The shit storm that was last year is finally over. I wake up happy to be breathing and surrounded by people who make me happy. Everytime I get sentimental, I get wind of something that makes me happy its all over. Thank fucking GOD. Who needs that shit *raises hand*. Its me.

Also, I thought personal things were just that- personal. Loose lips sink ships and whatnot. I guess I was wrong. It just means that I don't have to be so tight-lipped any longer.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

...and we all lose our charms in the end

Life is finally feeling less...disorganized. I'm starting to have a routine and it pleases me. Thursday-ish, Sara and I make dinner. Friday/Saturday, go out for a few adult beverages. Sunday, Campus Bar and Grill for $1 burgers.

Also, I've been playing pool, usually on Fridays at Rack-n-Roll or whatever bar we end up at. I've forgotten how much I enjoy it. Pool is beginning to have a positive conotation again. I can play like shit and they still enjoy my company, tell me I'm having an off-night, and (company dependent) give me a kiss.

I need to retip the good cue. The shitty one is pissing me off.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A broom is drearily sweeping up the broken pieces of yesterday's life

Went to Boonville yesterday to see an adaptation of Scrooge. It involved random Missouri-isms thrown in and it was a staged reading, complete with paper scripts. At least it was free and the cd of Christmas music they played wasn't bad.

We thought it started at 3:00, but it actually began at 4:30. In the meantime we had dinner at the casino. All of the roads in town were still pocked with icy potholes, but the casino was like a beacon- the parking lot was immaculate. I guess its all about priorities.

We shopped at Kohl's for about an hour, where I found Dad's Christmas present.

Then, we hit the Blue Note for Dr. Dog and The Black Keys. It was a good show, even sans smoking.

Now, back to the daily grind of work and getting necessary shit done. The week after the snow days is always a drag.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

He checked into his room only to find Gideon's bible

Snow! It involved going on safari of sorts with the 4WD to get beer and frozen pizza and a full day of eating, sleeping and movies. I kind of needed some downtime. I like when nature forces it upon me.

Today was interesting at best. Work was actually kind of busy. I met Sara, her crew, Will and Alex at Eastside for a few brews. Also much needed.

Tomorrow involves a trip to Boonville and some evening activities. I like having plans. It gives me something to look forward to.