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Start Your Engines: March 2005

Start Your Engines

Monday, March 14, 2005

Shut up and Pimp
Post by the Rockstar herself

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Breaker breaker 1-9 she's a big ol' flirt.

Oh boy. The shenanigans ran amuck this weekend. I didn't have to work Friday or Saturday night by some fluke, so both nights I just headed in the direction of the bar, found people and hung out.

Saturday night was exceptionally fun. It involved hanging out with Emily, dancing on the bar at NoHo's, giving each other and the crowd aerial shots...and I wasn't even drunk. I think I had four jack and cokes all night. Maybe five if I miss counted. Hopefully, Shooey will have some pictures of the fun posted soon. After MoJo's, Monica, Jenny, Kyle and I went to the top of the Hilton. My step-brother was there, so we hung out with him and his friends and ended up back at one of their houses. Needless to say, I crawled into my own bed at 5:30 am.

A late night is not necessarily bad, unless it is followed by an early morning. We had a house showing today at one, so I got up at 11:00, showered and helped Molly finish cleaning. I met my daddy and step-mom and sis' for lunch, and headed out to the farm. Patty bought a fooseball (sp) table, so I put it together for her.

After New Berlin, I met Molly for a few beers at Coz's, went home, played online and met Kyle and Kirsten at Reier's. I had planned on not drinking and doing a little detox, but it just didn't happen. I think closer to the end of the month, Ed and I are going to do a week of detox. I think my liver needs a break.

Why later in the month? Because my BIRTHDAY IS WEDNESDAY, the 16th! I have to work, so come into Brown's and tip me well. Maybe even give me a little birthday kiss on the cheek.

So, that was my day in a nut shell. I really can't wait to see those pictures. Shoo, work your magic.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

It was only a kiss

Insert expletive here. And here.

Its snowing. Its gathering around my car's tires as if to taunt that it refuses to melt as soon as it hits the pavement. Its sticking to the shingles on the building next door. I just threw away the sand, all 100 pounds, that was in my trunk. Rubbish!

I woke up late with a redbull hangover from last night's shenanigans. I stood in the shower too long. I think I was making up for the lack of water pressure at my mom's house. I did not have time to dry my hair, and I think my temples froze and caused me to lose brain cells on my run to and from the car. Imagine, all that hair, sopping and flopping against my neck. Brr!

Working now; working tonight. Come and see me. I promise to be tired. Hopefully, I will catch up on some sleep tonight. Maybe I can sneak in a nap somewhere between 12:30 and 3:30. Surely, I can swing that.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Calling from a gas station pay phone, tell you the first thing I wanna do when I get home

So kids, its been a while. Sorry. My life is uneventful.

Last night was a strange dynamic. Kirsten had game night at her apartment. Her 26-year-old brother was there. My 16-year-old sister was there. The gap in ages almost hurt. Still, we had fun playing Mad Gab. It only took us 20 minutes to figure out how to play it. Yes, we had the instructions. You'll all be happy to know that Kir's kitty has calmed substantially. He didn't get himself stuck between the glass top and the metal legs of her coffee table. However, he did sit under the table and try to reach an ink pin through the glass. I said he calmed, not grew wiser.

Why am I up at 9 am, you ask? Greg and mom went out of town for two days. Therefore, I watch the business, the house and my sister. Why do people work during the day. I think the sunlight is burning my retinas. I went to bed by one a.m. I was up at 7:45. My body is thoroughly confused. I am not a "day" person.

One of the luxuries of being at the office by myself is I turn the heat up all the way, so even my feet are warm. My feet are never warm. My legs are too long.

Greg is out of coffee which is pissing me off AND I forgot my hot pocket lunch at home. It appears I shall go hungry. I wish Ed was here. Then I would get lunch and a lunch visitor. Alas....

It was weird getting ready for the day at my old house in Chatham. It felt like a flashback-like I should have been going to high school. My sister was running around getting ready, and I was almost jealous. She seemed pretty chipper, and she kind of giggled when I stomped downstairs, hair affright. Something about it was so innocent in the fact that she has so many cool experiences ahead of her in the next 5 years. Then I woke up and smacked myself. Why would I want to go back to high school. I would morf back into braces, geeky glasses and no dates. Ugh. Oh right. And no bars. Really ugh.

Alright. Let's see if I can motivate myself back into studying for the GRE. Riiiight.