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Start Your Engines: May 2005

Start Your Engines

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

AT and me
Post by the Rockstar herself

Been working 9-5 (not really), what a way to make a living (true that)

I applied for a job yesterday. Cross your fingers. Its made for me...Well, sort of. It doesn't involve picture taking, but a lot of writing and organization. Those of you who didn't know me in college missed my freakish obsession with everything in its place, the day planner that never left my side and the need to complete tasks. Lucky you if you missed it.

The funny part? The job is for the American Soybean Association. A friend of mine was baffled that there is an association to protect and further the soybean. I had to break his spirit and tell him it was for the farmers of said bean.

At any rate, I need this. Melissa, you too must say a prayer. It'd probably have more pull coming from you.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I still got a lot of leaving left to do

Sorry kids. I've been in a funk lately. I shouldn't be- its beautiful and sunny out. I used to blame my bad mood on the crappy weather. Alas, my scapegoat is gone.

Tonight is Erin's last night in town (we think). However, this might turn into some kind of Ed "going away party". Dinner at Tokyo Japan and then out on the town. I've never eaten there, so I am looking forward to it. Erin, what say you forget about the Dekalb thing and you and I pick a random city and move to it?

I am stir crazy. I think I've been in Springfield too long. I've seen the sites. Is it time to say adieu?

Adieu to you, and you, and you, and you.