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Start Your Engines: October 2006

Start Your Engines

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Its a hop to the left and a step to the right

Oh, I've been a bad blogger this week.

Highlights of my weekend:
- Good party location. Proximity is everything.
- Watching the Dread Pirate Roberts break up green.
- People giggling when I smiled with my blacked-out tooth.
- Baking apple pie and smoking out my whole apartment. (They were still good)
- Excellent baking helper.
- Packed Buffalo Wild Wings.
- Seeing Brian doped up and grinning in a hospital gown. He threatened to moon me, and I reminded him he already has several times.
- Cockiness leads me to another job interview.
- Playing fetch with Dammit.
- Getting over feeling guilty.
- Lack of sleep and, strangly, lack of crankiness.
- Smiling like a goon.

Hope everyone has a great Halloween! I love my bat pajamas.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Oh my life is changing everyday, in every possible way.

Rockstar weekend- tired and sore.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now all the jacks are in their boxes

I received my "One Year" pin at the OG today. Boy, time flies when you are having fun . Soon I will get my bonus check.

What has happened in a year? Quite a lot, to say the least. What have I learned? Even more.

I have a follow-up call with the job in IL, and I have a phone interview for a job near Kansas City. One month of job searching is paying off. Yet shall I be a productive member of society! More importantly, a happy one.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Breathe some air that tastes like freedom

Interview happened today. I drove for six hours. I am beat. Maybe I will sleep tonight, or I won't just like the last two nights. At least now I can relax and stop stressing about it.

I'm in a good mood and hopeful. What a switch. I have great friends and family. I appreciate everyone's support and good thoughts. I heart you all.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights

My sisters are crazy...and I love them.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Carved my name into his leather seats

I can relate: (thanks, AM)

Wind rocks the car.
We sit parked by the river,
silence between our teeth.
Birds scatter across islands
of broken ice. Another time
I'd have said "Canada geese,"
knowing you love them.
A year, ten years from now
I'll remember this --
this sitting like drugged birds
in a glass case--
not why, only that we
were here like this together.

They're tearing down, tearing up
this city, block by block.
Rooms cut in half
hang like flayed carcasses,
their old roses in rags,
famous streets have forgotten
where they were going. Only
a fact could be so dreamlike.
They're tearing down the houses
we met and lived in,
soon our two bodies will be all
left standing from that era.

We have, as they say,
certain things in common.
I mean: a view
over slate to stiff pigeons
huddled every morning; they way
water tastes from our tap,
which you marvel at, letting
it splash into the glass.
Because of you I notice
the taste of water,
a luxury I might
otherwise have missed.

Our words misunderstand us.
Sometimes at night
you are my mother:
old detailed griefs
twitch at my dreams, and I
crawl against you, fighting
for shelter, making you
my cave. Sometimes
you're the wave of birth
that drowns me in my first
nightmare. I suck the air.
Miscarried knowledge twists us
like hot sheets thrown askew.

Dead winter doesn't die,
it wears away, a piece of carrion
picked clean at last,
rained away or burnt dry.
Our desiring does this,
make no mistake, I'm speaking
of fact; through mere indifference
we could prevent it.
Only our fierce attention
gets hyacinths out of those
hard cerebral lumps,
unwraps the wet buds down
the whole length of a stem.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I dug my keys into the side of his pretty little souped up 4-wheel drive

Today was good. Brian and I had Flatbranch. I ate a chocolate chip cookie sundae. I haven't had dessert in weeks. It was wonderful.

Tonight Elliot and Adam deep-fried shrimp, sweet potatoes, bacon (yes, bacon), bananas and fake crab. It was kind of like being at the state fair. That must be why I liked it so much. Now I need a triple bypass.

Sara is out of town so I took all 11 bags of her garbage to the curb and I held the flashlight while Brian rewired a switch in his kitchen. Hot wires. Scary.

Now watching Robot Chicken.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Like red on a rose

My fingers are cold, so its hard to type and taking me way too long.

Possible plans for next weekend. My work schedule is cleared just in case.

Job interview on Wednesday. Its a reporting position in a small town. The whole county gets the paper, though, so the circulation is between 10,000 and 11. Its a pretty sweet deal and close to metro STL. I'd be closer to the fam as well. Shit, I do not want to move my stuff again....six homes in 18 months. Make is stop!

My ass was handed to me on a silver platter the last two nights at work, so I am looking forward to tomorrow off. I'm going to try to go to church. I haven't been in a while, and it needs to happen.

Sara is gone for a week, so I am hanging out with Hernia Brian. Good times.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Its a nice day for a...

white wedding.

Thanks for the pictures, Shooey. My fam will enjoy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oh snap!

A good time was had by all...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

They'll lead you 'round town like a scalded hound with your tail tucked between your legs

Yes, I believe things are looking up. This is said with a sigh and a smile.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.


1. Going to IL for an extended weekend and wedding.
2. New hair.

Tonight I made good money. I watched Brian shoot his .22 into his kitchen drywall from the livingroom. AND I am drinking a frozen Amaretto Sour from Trops.

Life is good.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A wolf in sheep's clothing will just look good while it rips out your heart.