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Start Your Engines: February 2005

Start Your Engines

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Who's your enabler now? My give-a-damn's busted.

I have been putting off trying to blog, because nothing too exciting has happened in the past few days. However, I am feeling the need to be quasi-creative. Greg has me doing insurance requotes. I pity the people who chose to do this for the entire length of their career. Just shoot me in the foot- I would enjoy it more.

Yesterday, I had a lazy morning. Kevin (Aunt Molly's boyfriend) and I watched tv for a while. I finally got motivated, showered and headed out. I stopped by the county building and bought a copy of my birth certificate, because I needed it to get my Illinois license.

Yes, folks. I have lived here since April 2004 and still had a Missouri license. I got a speeding ticket two weeks ago. Officer so-and-so asked me why my car is registered to my dad in New Berlin, but I have a MO license. I explained that I graduated from school in December and moved home in late January. At the point, I also decided I shouldn't be lying to law enforcement about something so stupid.

Unfortunately, its kind of a pain in the ass to transfer your license to Illinois. In Missouri, I walked in, handed them the IL one, took the eye test, and bam, I was done. Illinois requires birth certificate, Social Security card, proof of new address, proof of signature, eye test and written test. Was this a program Gov. Blow-something proposed?

So, of course, I was paranoid about the written test since I haven't taken it in almost seven years. I got a rules of the road book and read through it while watching tv. I can't decide if I am such a procrastinator that I over dramatize things in order to make an excuse to push back accomplishing it, or if I am such an overachiever that I feel the need to get a 28 out of 28 (which I did) on the stupid road written exam. If you haven't figured it out, I am a little OCD on a few levels.

Anyway, I got my damn license...and a few neurosis. I also paid my ticket, and took the car for an oil change.

Is it weird that it makes me happy that Tony at Lube Master is always happy to see me? Shortly after I moved home, he and his buddies came into Brown's. One of them yelled "Hey baby!" on my way by in order to get my attention. I yelled back, "Don't you ever call me baby." After I dropped off the drinks I was carrying, I came back and told them all my name and if they wanted to get my attention, that was what I would respond to. Since then, Tony, the leader of the Lubemaster hooligans, is always super polite, pleasant and gives me 10% off. He appears to be single. Ladies? Any takers? He works full time? He'll be in Brown's Friday or Saturday night...

For some reason I attract car men.

Ed and I had Popeyes for dinner, because he has been craving it. We went to the bar for a bit. Mom and aunt Molly were there. Then we rented Sky Captain and the Day after Tomorrow. I think that's right. It was kind of cool. I could relate to Gwenneth Paltrow's character. She was a journalist with a camera. In the midst of their shenanigans, she loses her bag with all her film, so she carries her camera, with two pictures left, and constantly debates whether something is important enough to take a picture.

I think tonight I am headed out for a drink. Call me.

Friday, February 18, 2005

In the morning I'm leaving, making my way back to Cleveland

Happy Birthday, Ed!

Bar crawl tonight! How about everyone head downtown around 9-ish and we'll all meet up? Call me, people. (414-3675) Yeah, I know. It's against my better judgment to put the phone number there, but you know...all in the name of a party.

Tonight was a weird Thursday night. Molly and I met for drinks after work, so I think I was home by about 9:30 or 10. Usually, I don't head out until then. I only caught Posamist's first song. It was kind of sad.

My stupid cold WILL NOT kick the bucket. I should probably stop smoking until it goes away. Instead, I switched to Menthols for a while. I like smoky treats :(

Who is up for a movie night this week? I think a scary movie is necessary. After last week's success, we need to get back into the swing of things. Who's game? If we go to an early movie, we can have beers after EH?

Alright, slackers. Back to work. I'll see you all tonight.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Big black boots/long brown hair/she's so sweet with that get-back stare

I have come to the conclusion I have worked in/hung out at bars too much. Apparently, I had the radio really cranked up at work and Greg barked at me to turn it down. Maybe I am losing my hearing sensitivity. As long as I don't lose my eyesight, I can retain my future livelyhood.

Boo for lots-o-work today. I wish I could stay at home tonight and be lazy. Alas...

Kyle, have you given up blogging forever? I am starting to worry you have starved yourself to the point that you are face down on the keyboard, never to awake again.

Everyone is going out tomorrow night! Yay! We needed a good reason to all get together and party!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

On the road again, or rather, not.

Hi pals and gals....I know its been awhile. Poor poor blog; how I have neglected you.

Unfortunately, this post will be brief. I want to do a long and involved entry about my trip with pictures, but that requires me being at home with the scanner. Prod me and I might get around to it.

Who is going out with me tonight? Its Thursday, Posamist is playing and I don't have to work! I might be making something good for dinner. Call me if you want to come over and eat.

On a good note, I just polished off an entire pot of coffee. Most of you have seen me drunk. Has anyone seen my caffienated out of my mind? Today's your chance. Don't pass it up.

The ex called me last night and did not leave a message. I called him back after work last night, left a message saying "returning your call. call me if something is up." We played phone tag more today. Finally, he picked up the last time I called. It was the most awkward conversation. Apparently, someone had called his phone with a blocked phone number, he somehow found out it was a 217 area code and thought it was me. It wasn't. He asked how I was; I did the same. There were lots of weird, long silences. When I hung up I was in tears and felt like the conversation had taken an hour. In reality, it was all of about three minutes. Its amazing the impact someone can have, even if you turned them down. It makes you feel guilty, because you have no right to feel that way.

Anyway, someone come have a drink with me tonight. I will bribe you with Mardi Gras beads and Jack is starting to taste good again.