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Start Your Engines: In the morning I'm leaving, making my way back to Cleveland

Start Your Engines

Friday, February 18, 2005

In the morning I'm leaving, making my way back to Cleveland

Happy Birthday, Ed!

Bar crawl tonight! How about everyone head downtown around 9-ish and we'll all meet up? Call me, people. (414-3675) Yeah, I know. It's against my better judgment to put the phone number there, but you know...all in the name of a party.

Tonight was a weird Thursday night. Molly and I met for drinks after work, so I think I was home by about 9:30 or 10. Usually, I don't head out until then. I only caught Posamist's first song. It was kind of sad.

My stupid cold WILL NOT kick the bucket. I should probably stop smoking until it goes away. Instead, I switched to Menthols for a while. I like smoky treats :(

Who is up for a movie night this week? I think a scary movie is necessary. After last week's success, we need to get back into the swing of things. Who's game? If we go to an early movie, we can have beers after EH?

Alright, slackers. Back to work. I'll see you all tonight.