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Start Your Engines: June 2005

Start Your Engines

Thursday, June 30, 2005

We just stood there getting wet with our backs against the fence

The garden hose reel bit me yesterday when I was trying to role it up. I hate being gimpy and trying to waitress. All water, pressure, etc. hurts the inch long gauge of meat gone from my fumb (that's "pouty Jessie" for thumb).

Baby did get hand washed and waxed yesterday, though. I spent half the time sitting on the hot payment scrubbing my wheels, drying and waxing a quarter panel at a time. The other half was spent standing in the middle of the driveway, beer in coozie, coozie in hand while I sprayed the hose on my legs. God? Are you listening? Turn the heat down, please?

And then it rained.

My prayer was answered, and my car was water-spotted.

I spent the rest of the evening at Kirsten's place where I drank a bottle of wine and had girl time with her and Lori. Its nice to be back to having some estrogen in my life. For some reason, I gravitate toward men for friends. While they are great, honest, protective and down right fun, a little lady chat never hurt me.

Tonight was a lucrative night at the bar. Thank God. The first month of rent is due next week, I am out of contacts and the motor in my driver side window is kicking the bucket. Fantastic.

Visit me at work tomorrow. I will be surrounded by reprobates.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

We all live in a yellow submarine

I got an apartment. Most everyone who reads this already knows. I move July 8th. Its a cute studio downtown across from the YMCA, has hardwood floors, big closet and if I decided to adopt a pet, there is no pet fee.

I've been going through the cycle. At first I was thrilled at having my own place again. Then, I was mortified because I have to come up with money FAST. Finally, I was dissapointed. I am tied to Springfield again. I think living with aunt Molly was a way not to commit to a place. It was a way for me to have the opportunity to FEEL like I could leave at any time. I still didn't.

Its funny. Sometimes I really like it here. Sometimes I want to go far away. Always, I do what's easy and stay.

Well, Springfield. You got me in writing for at least another six months.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Is this bad?

You Are "Kiss"

John Kerry

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl

I fear I am doomed to miss people my life long.

...However, I am not missing an entire bottle of wine.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Up yours...

I just wrote the longest entry of my life about my week and you erased it! It even had LINKS!

The nutshell:

Father's Day
The Longest Yard
Montgomery Gentry
Starting a business

You wanna know about a particular subject area? Ask me. Fucking computer erasing shit...

Monday, June 13, 2005

I'm trying to focus but my eyes deceive me...I'm witnessing history repeating.

Sears called me today. They figured out Sarah and I are sisters and have us interviewing back-to-back. I have a feeling they are either going to just hire me, or hire us both and see if we can work together. With our track record it shall be interesting.

The good news is, if I get this job, I can move into an apartment of my own. Aunt Molly and Kev decided not to sell the house, as they keep lowering the price and no one is biting. Therefore, this is becoming "their" house. Therefore, I need a "my" house. If/when this happens, I will pay you all in beer to move my furniture. Some of it is kinda heavy. Men in my life, this might happen before Ed comes home, so I will really need your help.

I talked to Ed briefly today. I kind of hassled him a bit. I answered the phone; he said hi. I asked, "Who is this?" He tells me its my boyfriend. "Boyfriend? Do I have a boyfriend?" It just seems like its been ages since I actually had a full, unrushed, one of us not screaming over the roar of a bar conversation. Ed, do us all a favor. We know you are limited in phone accessibilty. However, I'm pretty sure you have computer access...update your blog? Let us know what's going on? Post some pictures? Anything? Bueller?

It was a slow Monday night at work with Monica. We have the regular I-Bar crowd and some random people. A huge storm blew through wreaking havoc on trees all over Springfield. The people that were in the bar stuck around and spent more money. The others never came. I guess it balanced out.

That's all I got. Family Guy and the couch are calling my name.


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Helter Skelter

I applied for 13 jobs last week and haven't heard back from any of them. My sister applied at Sears to be a photographer. I marched my happy ass in there and handed them my resume. They looked at me like I was nuts. They called Sarah back for an interview yesterday while I was at my dad's for her graduation party. Yesterday was just not my day- by far.

I think God is laughing at me...

Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm just sitting here drinking, smoking, trying to free my mind

The only emails I have received in the last week are from Mr. Jack Daniels and Weight Watchers.

And one of them is going to be pissed when they find out I'm on a beer kick. Make that two. I can't help it. So sue me; hot weather makes me crave cold beer, no matter how much my ass IS NOT shrinking.

This is a sorry state of affairs...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Its a nice day for a white wedding

Yay for drunken tiredness after minimal drinking and a long night at work.

I get to go to the florist with Meg tomorrow. How weird. I have been friends with this girl forever. She was the last one I pegged for getting married soon. Its weird being the maid of honor. I still feel like we're kids and we should be shoe shopping- picking out the best color Chuck Taylor's to buy, not the flowers I'll carry in her weddind. F*cking bizarre.