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Start Your Engines: November 2006

Start Your Engines

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Put another dime in the jukebox, baby

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Please please me

I survived Thanksgiving! Yay! The stress if over, and I had a pretty good time. :)

Job interview bullshit is still going on. At least it hasn't ended. I suppose that's a good sign.

I had a great weekend, involving a birthday barhopping night for Will's roommate and a gluttonous Sunday. I did nothing productive, except help Brian hang a sheet of drywall. Hurty arms. Oh, and I ate chocolate. That was productive.

I heart mohawks.

....and you can find some interesting things on the internet if you just know where to look (or just stumble on them).

Thanks to my sisters for the drunk dial at 3:00 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. If you want video, check out my comments on myspace. I laughed.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Damn this traffic jam/ it hurts my engine to go so slow

I almost forgot...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!

For awhile, maybe longer if I do

Interview in KC went well. I turned in a writing assignment to them on Monday. Hopefully, it met their expectations. If I get this job, I will have executed the greatest scam of my life. I am wholly unqualified. However, I think they liked me. The IL job is still up in the air.

I will be spending Gobble Feast in Springfield, MO. I only have two days off, and its not enough time to make the rounds at home. Sorry for my absents. Stuffing will proceed as usual.

Sara and I volunteered for a youth horse show at the county fairgrounds. It was cold, but fun. It involved a mistake in starting time, so we had breakfast at Lucas in backbone at 7:15am. Its the first time I've seen the sun come up in months. I rather enjoyed it. It involved a free t-shirt and we bought matching "I love Palominos" bracelets. The Quarter horse people didn't have any. I was then timidly asked later that evening, "What's a Palamino?" This resulted in further discussion if Palamino is a breed or coloring. I think it depends on who you ask.

Officially, I am now called Sugarbeet.

...and which one of you wierdos is checking this blog at 6:00 a.m.? Midnight, 2:00 a.m. I can understand. Get a life :)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hate me today

Today, I heard a story in passing that made me feel really shitty. I hate shit like that.

The interview in KC is tomorrow and I'm really nervous. I have an interview with a writer, managing editor and the publisher. It seems they are cramming everyone into one day. I guess that's a good sign. Maybe it will mean fewer follow-ups. I hate follow-ups.

Work and some good downtime highlighted my day. The first not necessarily a good highlight, but a big part of it. The second was fantastic.

I've been trying to figure out what my plans are for Thanksgiving. If I only have one day off, I might be headed south. I'll fill you all in when plans are finalized.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And all the people that come and go stop and say hello

Happy November! This time of year is always strange for me, for its a whirlwind of pumpkins, then turkeys, then candy canes. Strange, but I love it.

Sara and I walked her dogs yesterday and then today. We toured downtown and hit campus. I had Shatzi, almost 100lbs. I'm not sure who was walking whom. Nonetheless, it was fun.

Last night included pumpkin beer at Flatbranch and a terribly awesome wierwolf movie.

Today I had the Allstar at Waffle House, am doing laundry at Sara's and hanging out at Brian's (they live next door). Now its pizza time!

I haven't heard anything from the people in IL. However, I have an interview next Wednesday near Kansas City. Its an editing/ writing position for an ag and a food mag. It would be kind of fun to move to a metro area I have never really been. Cross thy fingies!

The bad thing in life: I smoke too many cigs. Yes, mom. I know they'll kill me.