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Start Your Engines: July 2006

Start Your Engines

Friday, July 21, 2006

A friend of the devil is a friend of mine

My car went bye-bye. I even traded it for a '94 Toyota 4runner. Its had major work put into it, but has a lot of miles. Its been a while since I had a truck...and I'm kind of enjoying it. Although, I am not going to enjoy the gas that will go into it. Do you like the cattle catcher?

I felt my interview went very well. They hoped to make a decision by the end of this week, but I still haven't heard from them. Its the same company Adam works for, so I used him as a reference. The only bad thing is its part-time. I'm very tired of waiting tables for my livelihood. I don't enjoy it, but its the best money per hour for any job I've ever worked. What a shame...

Upcoming fun...
- Boone Co. Fair on Sunday. Yay! Corndogs!
- July 30: Demo Derby. Yay! Crunching cars!
- Aug. 6: Liam's birthday! Yay! Cake!
- Aug. 18: Big and Rich! Yay! Red cowboy hat!
- Sept. 2: AM's wedding! Yay! Cake, again!

And that's my excitement.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sweet like a kiss, sharp like a razorblade

Say your prayers. I have an interview tomorrow for an internship. This would get my foot in the door to network and freshen up my resume.

It looks like I am saying goodbye to my beloved car, wimpy though it is. The rack is leaking, the rear main seal is leaking worse, and the rearend is going. :( When I come home next, it will be in a different vehicle...or on the motorcycle. We'll see.

I bought a dress pattern for AM's wedding. While sifting through the patterns, I decided I am going to try to make the majority of my clothes. The patterns keep getting cuter and they do a very good job of keeping up with current fashion.
No longer are homemade clothes supposed to make you feel frumpy and prudish. My clothes won't necessarily be less expensive, but they will be exactly what I want.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

If you're the death of me darling, I wanna die

Not a very exciting weekend.

I worked Saturday lunch. I went back at dinner and realized I had already worked 37.35 hours. I brought it to the managers attention and he FREAKED. So I got to work in the kitchen for two hours and go home. It was kind of fun not worrying about customers and mock yelling back and forth with my Tio.

I went to my house, changed and went to Gus' for dinner with Liam. I had tasty spanakopita and veggies and baklava for dinner. Its not nearly as good as Chicago Style's, though.

When we were getting ready to leave, Liam pulled out of our parking spot first and headed to the alley. I was taking my time and a guy jetted from the door and ran right past me with employees trailing. Liam saw this, jumped off his motorcycle and chased the guy for about a mile through the ghetto, backyards, under clotheslines, etc. In the end, he lost the guy (who was much smaller)and the police couldn't find him, even with a canine unit. However, its the most police I've seen come running with the tires squealing for $20 in tip money. He's a little bit of a hero and Gus owes him a meal.

Today, I bought a grater and hand mixer and made carrot cake from scratch. Thanks for the recipe, Rach. I burned out the motor on the mixer making the cream cheese frosting, though. I made the boys one and took half of another to Bruce and the other have to Brian. Its kind of fun having lots of people to bake for who appreciate it.

Tomorrow morning, work as usual. I have started to get peeved with others that think "bartending" at the Olive Garden makes you cool. "Oh, I'm a BARTENDER..." Yeah, no you're not. You know how to use an Island Oasis machine, you make chocolate milk for kids and you think 3/4 of a shot of vermouth is correct for a martini. Bartending at a chain restaurant is not bartending. Get over yourselves.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Baby bring me down

Shoot me so I can go to heaven.

Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but I picked up a shift. It was the worst day I've ever had at the OG. I f-ed up something so badly with the new computers the corporate help desk couldn't figure it out. Apparently, a computer programmer is going to fix the whole system because I found some loophole.

Did you expect less?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I fell for you like a child

Per Megan's suggestion:

A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel:
Obviously an easy read- it only took me a day. I related as she used many analogies I would have come up with; most of them were over-the-top. We all know how I am. I also understood her perpetual scabby knees and urge to not wear shoes.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Back making the rounds at all our haunts, honky tonks, restaurants

Cross your fingers... I applied for a job and it looks VERY good. They should hire me.

I made it to work at 10:00 am sharp. I looked at my schedule before I hopped out of the car. I really have to be there at 5:00 pm. I'm in the habit of bartending Monday mornings and didn't even look beforehand. Oh well, it got me up and going. Except now we can't have dinner together tonight. That fresh beef roast was going to be tasty. Thanks, Shannon's mom.

My bathroom sink drain is leaking and the water, when on full blast only trickles. Hopefully they fix that today.

My tomato plant keeps producing. However, I think I stunted their size from planting in a too-small pot. Liam says they have super taste, though. I don't like tomatoes. He used my first jalapeno in pasta last night and it was tasty.

So many birthdays this month- Meg, Brian, Grandma and AT. Am I missing anyone?

Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I hear you call my name and it feels like home

Rode to McBaine, again. It was easier this time.

On an aside, are you all saying McBaine in your head like they do on the Simpsons? I certainly hope so.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm too lazy to think of a song quote.

Elliott took me on my first real trail ride in Cosmo Park. It was really hard to not fall off and not run into trees. However, it was probably the most fun I've had riding. I had to pay attention to what I was doing. It wasn't just about strength and endurance (both of which I am working on).

...And now I'm eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. Num.

I want to ride my..

BICYCLE! Adam and I rode almost 20 miles last night. My muscles aren't sore, but my ass sure hurts.

We went to McBaine.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Paperback writer

I forgot that I was going to start blogging the books I read. Here's the update.

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Character development was really good, but I found the story a little predictable. It was kind of eating a piece of chocolate.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
I like historically fiction and fell in love with this book. The detail was out of this world. No, I have not seen the movie.

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
I feel guilty this is the only book of his I have read to date. I will seek out the others, as his fluid storytelling makes me feel more at home with my crazy family.

God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian by Kurt Vonegut
Literally, out of this world. Quick, easy, dark read. I highly recommend.

Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonegut
I was not forced to read this in high school, and maybe that's why I enjoyed it. Again, historical. Vonegut is quickly becoming my favorite.

Meliss- any suggestions?

I'm a real live wire

We made it through vacation, but just barely.

The flight to Philly was long with one layover and circling over Akron. Liam's brother, Casey, and his buddy picked us up. We waited over an hour in the airport parking lot because only two toll boothes were open. Of course, they charged us for the time we spent sitting in the car waiting in line.

The next day, all 11 of us piled in cars and headed to the Pocono Mountains. It began to rain. There was taffic on 476 so we detoured through the country. I wasn't keeping close track, but I think it took four hours. The reason I didn't keep track is I have 1/8 the size of a normal bladder. Through being obsessive or something, I was afraid if I was too aware of how long the trip too, my bladder would become hyperactive in retaliation. At any rate, I made it without a potty break. This is earth-shattering as I normally take two pit stops in the three hours between Columbia and Springfield.
Upon arrival I met approximately a shit-ton of people and tried to remember all of their names. There are 59 cousins on this side of the family. I'm not kidding about the shit-ton. Liam's grandmother, Honey, rents out almost an entire resort with cabins, a lodge, pool, arcade, playground, etc. We stayed in the lodge where our beds were in the loft with 20 of our closest cousins.

By day three, it was still raining and I began to have tummy pains. Oh, that's right. I chucked for the next 24 hours, had hot and cold flashes, super achy muscles and really just wanted my own bed.

Day five the rain stopped. Most of Pennsylvania received 12 inches in four days. I was over my stomach bug and decided to lay by the pool. I put on SPF 15. It didn't help. Currently, I itch in a band across my stomach, boobs and the tops of my legs because I am peeling. I roasted. Why is it every summer I get big balls and think, "This year will be different"?

Never have I met a family that takes drinking games so seriously. I am close in age to the oldest cousin and God knows I have done my liver some damage. Lately, I haven't been in a hardcore drinking mood. That was part of a lifestyle I left behind. They were actually a little bent out of shape I wouldn't participate. I told them rolling dice distracted me from my beer. The first night six of them drank 60 beers in one hour. They save beer tabs and had two red plastic cups full at the end of the week, which they donate to kids on dialysis. Is this the rationalization behind not buying kegs?

Did I mention it started raining, again? We packed up the cars, went back to Philadelphia for the night and got to the airport at 6 am the next morning. Our flight was at seven, the airport is rather small for a large city- I figured this would be enough time. Negative. We stood in line to print our boarding passes and check our luggage. To my dismay, the line for security was eight city blocks long. Fifteen minutes before our flight, airline folk hussled people with flights before 7:10 into a separate line. Half the original line stepped over. The very short, paunchy man shuffling belongings through the x-ray machine was bitching about how people should get there early. I told him I wasn't going to arrive three hours before my flight just to make it through security. Liam forgot to check his pocket knife and threw it in the tub with his keys and phone. One gentleman politely told him they would confiscate it. Previous paunchy man came over to yell at him for committing a federal offense. The whole time our plane is basically backing away from the gate. We barely made it ontime.

When we made our connecting flight in Memphis, a NWA guy was snippy with me about boarding. The bathroom on this plane was out of order, which is a problem with the affore mentioned bladder issue. NWA can kiss my white ass. I think I would drive before flying with them again.

We got the car out of hock in STL, stopped for White Castle in Wentzville and napped into the evening. The concensus was vacation was NOT relaxing and work seemed a better alternative.

I missed the cat, too.

Well, now that's out of my system...

In the past few weeks we went to see Cars and Superman. I gotta admit, I liked Cars better. Superman was ok, but I felt the different story lines were a little disjointed. Lois Lane wasn't that ballsy, infact she was constantly falling all over herself. I don't feel it lived up to its hype.

Yesterday, Liam did an oil change on my motorcycle and car. I am very thankful. He tells me an oil change on momo would run about $60. He taught me so I can do it next time.

MU emailed me to say I was not in their first round of candidates selected to interview for the Res Hall Coordinator position. So, I started unpacking my apartment. Its cozy and I still need to figure out what to do about the lack of storage in my kitchen.

Business at the OG is slowing down, so I am devising a game plan. They only had me on the schedule four days this week and everyone is frantically trying to pick up hours.

Other than that, same ol' shit just another day.