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Start Your Engines: November 2005

Start Your Engines

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Right round like a record

Eddie Murphy.

One pound nacho cheese.

Two bottles dry red wine.

A fine night.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I thought this might stir some shit up one way or another. At any rate, Brian is very talented.

Nothing too exciting here. Meg's bachelorette party is in STL this weekend. It'll be nice to get out of town for some rowdiness.

I like to be rowdy.

Friday, November 25, 2005

You move me

I am thankful for...

-A full tummy
-A drive in the country
-My family
-Being a tough broad
-My distinguished silver
-Black mascara
-Fast cars
-Men who know how to drive em
-Men who let me drive them
-Nag champa
-White musk
-Thick hair ties
-High heels
-Hoodie sweatshirts
-Cozy dog
-Cross stitch
-Loud purses
-Regaining health
-Being outspoken
-Being a good shot

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Halloween

What I helped do the day before Halloween.

In reference to comments....

Tattoos and piercings are oh so tempting. A little too addictive. Dangerously so.

The hair, I'm not sure about. It was said in anger as I was wrestling with it this morning. One man once told me it was going to strangle him in his sleep.

Shoo has momentary lapses in judgement. Fat Tire is overrated bullshit. Its drinkable, but nothing special, just hard to find in Illinois. Go to Friar Tucks and try some Boulevard Wheat. Then, we'll talk. Beer needs balls. Guiness is good for you.

Lori, I love you, too.

I am bling bling.

Know what pisses me off?

1) I had to buy Fat Tire at McNally's last night because it was cheaper. Inherently, in an Irish pub, Guiness should always be the more affordable choice. It also bothers me that I had to ask about the special because I have no money. I always made fun of those people. The only difference between them and me is that I still tipped the waitress. Well.

2) Big and Rich were in Jeff City yesterday signing CD's at SuperWalmart. I had to work all day and didn't have money for gas even if I didn't. Garr.

3) My hair. I'm thinking about cutting it.

Yuck. Fat Tire

Monday, November 21, 2005

Won't call you baby like I did before

Mucas update: the tide is dissipating. Praise the Lord.

The bad news: I am making bubciss for money at the OG.

The good news: I might have something else brewing. I am not counting my chickens until they hatch, though. Look where that got me. Yeah. Great.

Events: Meg's wedding in less than a month. I should be in town Dec. 15. Someone want to get me drunk? Please?

Missing the fun: I'm sorry I'm not there.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Leave me where I am/ I'm only sleeping

Don't you hate feeling a certain way without entitlement?

Hung out with Shannon last night for a bit. I love our "coffee talk". I popped into the Blue Fugue (aka. Music Cafe) because the Station was playing. It was funny, because they all said hi matter-of-factly and then realized I was in the wrong state. It was good to see some familiar faces.

Thanks for the words of advice pertaining to my current mucas abundance. You're dolls. I am on Walmart brand benedryl. I think my tables at lunch thought I was drunk. Let's just say, I shouldn't be operating heavy machinery. Damn. My crane will have stay parked in the drive.

Missing home a lot. I am just now realizing that I left a really fun life for a really not so fun one. Its all for the best. Its all for the best. I am so very sad I will miss busy week at the bar.

Interviewed at First National today. It seemed to go ok except for my sniffles. I politely told the lovely ladies who questioned me that shaking hands might lead to the shake of death. They found it humerous. I should hear back from them a week from Monday or so.

I'm working a spit shift today :P I have to go back at 5:00. They only kept me for an hour and a half at lunch. I am making good money hourly, but I am not putting in enough hours.

Irrelevent question: Where has the past nine months gone? It kind of feels like I drifted off into a gentle sleep and was jerked awake by cold, bony hands.

Spork is sitting in my lap trying to rub his face on mine.

Points if you can name the artist and album of the song in my title. No lyric searches for you!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Summer has come and past, the innocent can never last

Sorry for the change. I am feeling a bit waspy today.

This waitressing gig is not as lucrative as I thought it might be. I did pick up a shift today, so hopefully I won't be in the part of the crew that gets shut down after the rush. I need some dough.

Tomorrow I have an interview at First National Bank.

Yes, I know. I said that when I had the luxury of money in the bank. I do understand the hypocrisy and I am trying to deal with it on a personal level. You know how I am. Still, it probably wasn't an excuse to say it. Sorry.

Burned the shit out of my hand yesterday. I put a metal handled pot on the back burner, but turned on the front burner. When I realized it and picked up the pot, the handle had been over the front burner for twenty minutes.

I have a cold. The boys have been passing it about. I stumbled getting out of bed this morning- my equilibrium is shot. Elliot saw and I explained it was strictly from the shift in mucas in my sinuses.

I am currently eating chocolate pudding and tator tots. Not mixed, but next to each other. I have concluded the reason I am not gaining weight, is the lack of alcohol (boo) and horseshoes (boo as well). Someone send me a D'arcy's vibe, say around 6:00 pm?

Sound good?

I thought so.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bobby thumbed a diesel down that rode us all the way to New Orleans

The benefit to Missouri, you might ask?

Mwahahaha. Anyone want to drop by and fill up?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Jojo left his home in Tuscon, Arizona/ bought some California grass

My sister has reminded me how much I miss my Saturday/Sunday morning (Read: mid-afternoon) eat-a-thons at Buffet City. Good food and good company.

The highlight of my day has been watching Ellen. Today was Paul McCartney. I love me some former Beatles. What I've heard of the new album sounds great. I wasn't a huge Wings fan, but this seems promising. Also, he has written a book. Dammit. I'm broke.

Interesting enough, Paul is about to turn 64. How does that change the meaning of his song When I'm 64? Some things seem so far away and out of reach, and then they sneak up and pounce.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Satan is my motor

Here's the update: Tonight is my third night of training at Olive Garden, the OG as it is being called around here. By Monday I'll be a big girl and wait tables all by myself.

So far I quit smoking, drinking diet soda and imbibing large quantities of alcohol. Read: life is significantly less fun. Apparently, everything I enjoy is a death sentence.

Shannon and I are making big plans for when we have money. They involve smoking, drinking diet soda and imbibing large quantities of alcohol.

Other than that, I've been bonding with Spork the Cat. I won't be home for Thanksgiving for money issues. I will probably work the entire week of Thanksgiving. The actual day of, I am going to Fulton with the redhead to have dinner with her family. It has been awhile since I've seen her folks and been out to their beautiful house, so I am looking forward to it.

How is everyone out there doing in BlogLand? Sounds like the folks at home are having fun without me. You know, there was some wishful thinking that without me, your lives would suck. I will allow you to have fun without me.....I guess.

Monday, November 07, 2005

If you don't want to hear me bitch, don't read this.

I had my second interview at David's Bridal today. I am pretty sure they are going to hire me. However, what they told me was full-time, is really part-time. The manager wants to check my references, so it will be at least Wednesday, if not Friday before they call me to let me know for sure. I think if I budget down to the pennies, I can make it work for a few months.- the position becomes full-time at the end of December. Then, Bridal Christmas starts in January. I guess a lot of people are proposed to over the holidays. And then I can make fatty commission. Ug, wedding talk.

Who needs a drink...

University Guy posted a photog position today. I pounced on it, let him know I applied and asked when they would close the vacancy. He said a couple of weeks or when the list gets too long. Hopefully, know one else sees it. (God, are you listening?) Then all this job bullshit will be behind me.

It is impossible to get a bar job here. I miss my old one. I miss my social life. I miss having spending money. I miss my family. I miss my friends. And I still have to do this.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Currently, money is the root of all evil in my life. Having a good paying, fun job deluded me for a while. Now I am back in the land of "jobs suck and don't pay." It is like pulling teeth to get a bar job in this town. I have two more to hit up today. I already put in my ap, and I found out when the managers are in so I can drop by. This is the only place where having a rack is not getting me a job. I am too tall, too heavy and too brunette (read: too intelligent). Its unfortunate. I think I'm a pretty good waitress...and they wouldn't have to train me much.

I did get a job at Olive Garden. Training is on Tuesday. The only bad thing is I have to be available any and all of the weekend. Monday I have my second interview with David's Bridal. The women I met were all very sweet and it pays the best of all the jobs I've interviewed for ($7.50 an hour or commission, whichever is joke. That's how bad it is here.) However, if I get the job, I would want to work weekends for sales/commission purposes. Hopefully, I walk in, I charm the second manager, I get the job and I tell Olive Garden to get bent, and continue the quest for an evening waitressing position.

In the mean time, I continue to bug the guy at the university and he continues to put me off. I need that job. I want that job. I think I might start hanging out in his office. Think if I sit there day in and day out he will just hand me over a job out of sheer frustration and annoyance? Think I can give him a twitch? I think I can :) I need to get a job so I can take the GRE and apply for grad. school in the event I do get a job through the university.

Enough about jobs. It has been beautiful here- near 80 with all the leaves turning. I've gone on a few motorcycle rides, Elliot, Shannon and I went for a hike at Rockbridge State Park. Its a really neat place. There are several caves and this place called the Devil's Ice Box which is the mouth of a huge cave that goes on for miles. You have to have splunking equipment to get far at all. Some parts are 30 feet tall and others you have to crawl through. They do canoe tours in the spring. Money pending, Shannon and I might get in on that action.

Other benefits of being back in this weird town are spending mucho time with my redheaded friend, getting coffee at the Artisan, food at any time of the day (even Sundays) and the academia in the air. I was on the quad the other day and I swear I could smell brainwaves. It was kind of electric.

Anyway, post and let me know how things are going at home. I hope everyone carved punkins last week. I helped create Aqua Teen Hunger Force via gourds. My meatwad was awesome.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Second interview at Olive Garden and meeting the owner of the Thirsty Turtle this afternoon. Cross your fingers.

Really starting to miss everyone. Hope you all are going ok.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I have applied for over 30 jobs. I am still jobless.

I have a second interview at David's on Monday. It looks promising, but they have really spread this process out and it is pissing me off. I applied at 15 bars. A friend is a bar manager at my least favorite, but he is supposed to call me. Going to Olive Garden today at 2:00 to meet with a manager. Going to call the rest of the bar assholes today between 2 and 4. Somebody pay me! PLEASE!

Guy at the University STILL hasn't posted job openings. I swear he is toying with me. It might never happen at this rate.

Who needs some chocolate....