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Start Your Engines: January 2005

Start Your Engines

Friday, January 28, 2005

I walked up to the bar, laid down my platinum card and ordered 50 long-necks for my new friends.

Ug....crappy mood. I just woke up from a nap because the phone rang. I've pretty much been out since I got here at 8:30. I dunno. I'm feeling out of sorts. I think going out tonight will be a good thing. Who's with me?

Call me. Cheer me up. Dare you.

I think I just heard Bob from the I-bar on WMAY. It was kind of leud. Yeah, I think it was him.

I think I'm gonna be sad. I think its today, yeah
The girl that's driving me mad is going away
She's gotta a ticket to ride and she don't care

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Dream a little dream of me.

I just woke up. I was head down on my desk, snuggled up with my scarf, arms asleep because the desk was cutting off the circulation. Is that bad? In an hour and a half no one called and no one came in. Why am I here??

I think part of the reason I'm tired is I am wearing my glasses. They always make me feel tired. I couldn't avoid it, though. I woke up and my eyes hurt from three nights of bar smoke and drinking.

I just ghetto rigged the coffee pot. Greg ran us out of filters and didn't buy more before leaving for the weekend. I used a paper towel instead. Any bets on how this will turn out? I should just bring in some Jack tomorrow. At least my day would be a liiiiiittllllee more interesting. I think that might make me an alcomiholic.

Shoo, call me today. I have an idea.

Alright. I think I need another nap. Blogging tuckers me out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I wear my jeans a little tight just to watch the little boys come undone.

Wow! Today has been good for posting messages on people's blogs! We all must be very bored at work. Why is everything so sexually charged? Does everyone need to get a little something something?

Anyway, keep up the good work folks. That's what I like to see.

Ed, is it warm in Florida? Say its so.

Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky. Stormy weather.

Its cloudy, and so is my mood. I need some sun and vitamin D. I bought thirty minutes of tanning this summer and was too afraid to use them. I've never tanned. Now I am considering it if for nothing but my sanity.

You might get a kick out of this. So much for a little prank...
oh my

I find it humorous how certain people in our ring-o-blogs comment on "trends" in posting. What happens when you hang out with someone for a decent chunk of time? You pick up mannerisms, dialect, jokes, etc. Why should this be any different? Instead of spending time with each other face-to-face, we huddle around our monitors.

Oooh, tummy is not happy with me. Grumble, grumble, feed me, whatever.

I need to clear something up. Red cowboy hat: its real. Its a Wrangler, felt hat. Why is it red? I look good in red. I do not have, nor do I want a poodle. I want a dog the size of a pony. Why a pony? I didn't have a bike growing up, because I had my own pony from age three. Phil, I dare you to challenge my riding skills. I never come out of the saddle.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

No Quervo Gold Margaritas.

God its beautiful today. Bright sunshiny days like this induce a fever to take out the T-tops and break out the red cowboy hat. Its true. I'm a redneck, country girl at heart. Amazing; this weather improved my mood exponentially. I guess it wouldn't take much. I have felt a little out of sorts.

Talked to Ed last night. He was supposed to leave Atlanta early this morning and had 9-10 hours ahead. After several car repairs, he should be in Florida tonight, safe and sound. YAY! Eight days and I will be there, too!

I worked with Monica last night. She has taken over every-other Monday that Ed used to work. We had a great happy hour and the rest of the evening was slow. We ended up closing at midnight and went next door for a drink. Monica is on a hippie detox program, so she drank water...but she did smoke one of my cigs. Its hard being a hippie.

I still can't get over how great I feel. I got seven hours of sleep last night and its gorgeous out! I will be quite disgruntled if I get to Florida and it is colder there than here. Some freak accident like that would happen on my first real vacation in three years. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Real work calls....

Friday, January 21, 2005

I may not be a ten, but the boys say I clean up good.

It seems that we are all pouting in Ed's absence. I know what he would want us to do instead of pout...shots of Jack. Who's in with me tonight? Who's driving me home? Who wants hungover Cozy Dog tomorrow morning? Shoo, its your last chance before you join that gym on Monday.

Oh, speaking of Jack and Ed, he called me to rub it in that he was going to visit the Daniels Distillery while in Tennessee. All I could muster was, "Do a shot for me, I guess." This is me jealousy muttering.....

It seems I am going to Mardi Gras. Its something I want to do once in my life. It seems to be the right time. I will have a guide who lived there, a free place to stay, I'm young, healthy,, so I want to be at the biggest drunken party ever. And no. I won't be flashing. There will be no pictures. Sorry, Shoo. No I will not make out with you.

Melissa, I don't know any math. Shall we bring in an outside source? My study book does break down all the concepts we are supposed to know, though. Maybe it will help if we pool resources.

Everyone has done their recap of Edfest 2005. So here are my highlights....
The Still ($2.50 jack), Reier drunk, harem, Whiskey Girl, Farah's stolen drink, Farah's lost purse, Farah's lost phone, brief drunken room party at the Renessance, zombie night, boys and their Beast Ice, spilled beer, bottle-o-wine, chill night at Mojo's, Melissa eating cheese, "To the Winchester!", east-side rides home, "Play TuPac!", The Way you Look Tonight, green rockstar earrings, Aunt Molly plastered, spilled shot-o-Jack, fighting off old men at the Hilton, Shooeeeeey, battle for best friend....

That's all I got at the moment. Anyone else, anything to add?

Alas, I must return to my work. Boo.

Friday, January 14, 2005

More Reier look alike talk

Check out Pat's site. Apparently, this has become a little bit of a discussion.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Snow on the Tires

Have you ever had to pee so bad it almost makes you cry? Last night, I was driving home and experienced this phenomenon. I almost side swiped a mailbox on my coldisack because it was raining and I was trying to get home as fast as possible. Then, I finally got the car in the garage, stumbled into the kitchen and tripped over the dog who is always in the way when you are trying to get somewhere in a hurry. It was bad news all around. This is why I run to the bathroom every two beers. I hate the incapacitation of having to use the faciliti.

Shoo, are we going to dinner tonight?

Who hates snow? (raising hand high) I woke up to all that rain turning into all that snow. The weather person was wrong again, go figure. I threw the sand bags back in my trunk before I left the house, and I still went sliding everywhere. I almost rearended a guy at a stop light because my brakes locked up......grrr. Damn weather. And it was sooooo beautiful yesterday. :(

Ok, my bitchfest is over.

Last night was a busy night at work. I guess I made good money for only working 8-1. Kyle and Ed came into see me. Then Ed and I went for a drink at Stella where we met up with Folker and Buck. Two drinks and we were homeward bound.

Hopefully, it will stop snowing so I don't have to dig myself out of the parking lot. I was really excited to go out tonight because I have worked the past three nights. Stop snowing, Dammit! I want to go to Brown's for Ed's last night and Mandi's first and I want to go next door to listen to Posamist! STOP SNOWING!

I don't know how many of you have heard me talk about or read the link on my blog about the MU researcher that was murdered in the parking garage. It occurred to me yesterday that they found him in his flaming car, shoved in the trunk in the garage that was one block from the dorms I lived in for three years. I walked by there every day for three years to get to class. Its unnerving, because they have no idea who did it and he is roaming around that town, possibly brushing shoulders with former boyfriend/ friends, professors, etc. I don't just gives me the heebee jeebees.

Alright. If you want to brave the weather with me tonight for a drink, give me a call.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I just checked the newspapers in Columbia, Missouri. I try to keep up with the news since I worked for the Columbia Missourian. It seems there has been a crime wave.

Slain scientist
Cop shootings
Convenience store stabbing
Violent robbery
News photographer arrested

The last link is especially interesting to me. When you take pictures of a crime scene or other content-sensitive things, its hard to know the limit. On one hand, photographers have the right to document community happenings and make them available to the public. However, there is a point when you have to back off and let the police do their job without interfering. The question is, when are you standing on the line and when are you stepping over.
If you look at this link and then click back to the main page for the Columbia Tribune, you will notice the paper still published a photograph taken by the photographer who was arrested. Is it right to publish a picture that was taken illegally?


Most of you have been informed of my car problems. Since last week the car has been running funny and my service engine light has been on.

I figured out it must have something to do with my spark plugs and spark plug wires. On a normal car, its no big deal. I know how to change them. I even have a spark plug gapper on my key chain. However, on Camaros you can't reach half of the spark plugs or the coils where the plug wires attach to the engine.

I was forced to take it to a mechanic. Apparently, one of my plug wires had fried in half. Literally, in half and $356 later, my car runs great again. That's half of a motorcycle. Damn you car I love. All you do is toy with me!

Last night was a rather good night at the bar for a Monday. We were steady all night and I made double what I normally make. I also had a few shots of Jack and a couple Jack and Diets. Needless to say, I hydrated before I went home.

Shoo, are we making t-shirts for the bar crawl on Saturday? You and Ed (who I am still pissed at) need to get on that.

Melissa, are we going to study for the GRE at some point? I have to work until 5:30 on Thursday and Friday. Maybe one of those days we can hole up at Barnes and Nobles.

Movie night on Sunday! It'll either be at Ed's or my house. Beer and popcorn for all. I think we are renting Dawn of the Dead. I need to desensitize myself to the zombie screams so that if one ever runs right for me, I won't be stunned into not running by that awful "Rwwkjladfl;kajsflk;jad!" that comes out of their dead mouths. No one is allowed to jump at me, or roll their eyes back in their head and scream like the undead. I won't stand for it.

I hate zombies.

I was had.

There has been a running joke that Shoo is my new best friend. We spend mucho amounts of time together, talk about significant (or rather, no longer significant) others and generally goof off.

Ed seems to be slightly disgruntled. He has challenged me to a battle for best friend Shoo. Basically, it involves getting a few beers into Shoo and both of us baraging him with the question, "I'm your best friend, right? RIGHT?!"

Last night, to prove my loyalty to MY best friend, I gave Shoo's scruffy cheek a kiss. Someone decided Kyle needed a peck, so I gave him one, too. Ed pouted from across the bar.
Finally, he stuck his cheek out, I'd had one too many Jack and Diets and reached to plant one on him. However, toolshed that he is, he turned and I kissed him square on the mouth.

Needless to say, I'm pissed. I'm vindictice and I will get him back....and it won't be kisses. Anyone have any good ideas? I think something at his going away party on Friday would be fabulous. Melissa, I know you have a mean streak in you. Help me out here.

If Ed has double crossed anyone else, let me know. We'll tag team.

Ed, I hope you are shakin' in your little boots.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Posing as Reier

Today, I told Ed about a college friend of mine who Reier reminds me of so much. What do you guys think?

Sorry, that's a nasty looking link.

Friday, January 07, 2005

New music

Almost forgot....check out I saw this guy play with Big and Rich when I was in Nashville. He just finished his first album. I think he'll be big. Download the music player and take a listen.

My wag'n is draggin

Ok. I've calmed enough to try to write my post over. We were talking, like, 1000 words. Real effort. Poof. Gone.

And I'm done bitching...

After reading my old posts on my old blog and per Melissa's gripe that she couldn't post comments, I decided it was time to move on up. I have relocated and it feels gooooood. I just find it intrinsically crass to mix those two very different parts of my life. I am trying to lay to rest the old shit, and blogging on the same space was hindering that. Maybe I need professional help. Maybe I just needed a new blog.

God I'm tired...

I think I am going to hire Ed to take my GRE. Apparently, he can be bribed with cookies. So I hear. I don't know if I believe it. Oh wait....I do.

Shoo claimed that dinner last night at Suzy-Q's was his "last supper". Let's all show some support and badger him about joining the gym. Then again, let's not because I don't want to feel any reciprocity.

You might be wondering, "What's up with the Camaro Jessie bullshit?" Its Kirsten's doing. Last night we were at Reier's and Posamist was playing. They do a fantastic cover of Mustang Sally. I said to Kirsten, "I have a Camaro. Does that count?" Thus, a star was born. However, the car is acting up. My stint as Camaro Jessie might be coming to a close.

Mmmm, chili with Tabasco sauce...

The Molson and Lee show is classic today. They are answering people's calls with Judge Judy's voice. They just called Andy's mom and pranked her with sound bites from the Breakfast Club. So mean; so funny.

Doo tee doo....done with work in one hour. And the count down begins. I think a nap is calling my name so I am not cranky at work tonight. Who's gonna buy a Captain and Coke from me? Kyle? Double with Sprite?

Ok. I think I have polluted the internet enough with my ramblings. Now I need to get everyone to link my new blog and get rid of the old. Please, no one read the old one. It is about to meet an untimely death.


I just wrote a looooong entry and somehow lost it. This is why I hate figuring out new things on the computer. It cost me my blood, sweat and tears. In a second I'll calm down and rehash it all.
Bah, that pisses me off.